Banyak kali vs. lama-lama

Lion Mating Rituals - The most amazing videos are a click away

guys, tak payah susah2 tahan lama2. kalau memang dah tak tahan, tiru je macam lions -- do it every 30 minutes for 4 days straight, which amounts to 192 kali in 4 days. adoi, mampu ke? the best record that i know of so far is 12 times per night but for just 1 night. so kalau ada orang berjaya challenge this human record, and even get close to lion's standard, share with us pleaseeeeeeeeeee

~aku yg tak insaf


  1. this only happen when their mating season only, cuba kalo bkn musim,nak dapat 1 kali pun susah,ahahahaa....


  2. from

    A Lion shows affection during it's breeding period. It is believed that some lions are monogamous, while most lions are polygamous. For lions their is no fixed breeding season. The mating period begins when the female comes into season. During the mating period the lion is a devoted mate. During this time little attention is paid to food and other animals that pose a threat . The mating couple separates from the rest of the pride and spends a five day "Honeymoon" in secluded spots. Copulation which occurs every 20 to 30 minutes takes place quickly and quietly except for an occasional growl. In the height of passion the male nips the female on the neck. The breeding time is a romantic experience between a lions everyday life.

    saje nak tunjuk the sweetness of lion couples. romantic betul. since tak de fixed mating period, maybe mrs.lion masuk mating season every 2 weeks ke? (dengan nerdy nye, i found another source that says "Lions, like most cats, are induced ovulators, which means that they can make themselves ovulate at any time. Lions have no real birthing season since it is impossible for them to predict when food and resources will be scarce or abundant."). i don't think mr.lion assumes mrs.lion has low sex drive, so dia akan sentiasa ready to layan isteri dia. that's something men should learn from mr.lion.

    macam too much info plak comment ni.

    ~the long-winded aku yang tak insaf

  3. erm,makes themselv ovulate everytime,kiranya xde bleeding period ke (maaf,diri ini hnya skola kg,so english agak lemah,tp xde hal pnya)...

    men also can be like that kot,tp strength to have every 30 min xde kot

    talk about lion,jom tgk kartun lion king,ngehehee



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