I like it on the train

So I was browsing around when suddenly something caught my eye:

Damn, how hentai is that? Little school girl in uniform, getting off on rubbing sensations from the train... and then possibly passengers on board, getting off on knowing that they are now passing under a giant panty... how radical must a country be to allow this kind of architecture?! 

This naughty photograph was accompanied by an article titled, "Godless Japanese Unveil Heathen Anime Sex Train Technology Idol", an angry rant by an ex-missionary who claimed to have served in Japan. 

There are just too many hilarious parts to quote here, so give the article a quick view first. Here's my fav part:
When doing missionary work in Japan, I endured everything from being accosted by a tv celebrity named “Hard Gay” at a tea house, to even getting precariously trapped and having to quickly flee a village during a spontaneous, weird tribal naked man march.
Haha! Must be challenging, eh, having to flee at such times... Oooh. And imagine, Hard Gay accosting a preacher. If you DO NOT know who Hard Gay is, then it is my pleasure to introduce you to this awesome perverted character:

Hahaha! Anyway, back to the statue. Despite the semangatness of the author, who claimed to have gotten this picture from his "sources" in Japan... it is with utter sadnosity that I am typing right now to tell you that in fact, the picture is only a really good photoshop job. Boo hoo. Someone did it as a joke, and it just got circulated around the internet. Mad photoshop skills though.

But speaking of perverts and trains... here's a totally mengada Japanese game show clip. I don't understand Japanese, but anyway, an old guy is seen here, sliding on top of a "train" of squealing, well-lubed girls. Oh, how geli is this for me watch... but I bet how fun, kan, for that old uncle to experience.

Look at his happy face.

I'm not sure, though, if I'll ever allow my man (if I ever own one) to enter this kind of game show when we're old. Unless it features a train of flabby, wrinkly ladies instead, and I'm allowed to participate. OR, if the game is done in reverse as well, where us ancient ladies would get to be slides for some young meat on the show. Yum. Barulah adil.

Aku Yg Berdosa. 

1 comment:

  1. first of: kudos for a streak of post yg best2. i think im almost officially addicted to this blog.
    ok: not saying that the previous posts x best or ape2 je la, tapi la kan...this particular one sangat menarik. that Hard Gay may be more 'well-behaved' than Bruno but i think lagi best. keep it up


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